Fake News Do Not Spare The Dead Ones

A pro-Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf journalist Siddique Jan claimed, “Chief Justice also met Rafiq Tarar of PML-N before calling the full court meeting.”

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The claim arose after the Supreme Court on March 27, 2024, held a full court meeting to deliberate on a letter by the six Islamabad High Court (IHC) judges about the alleged interference of spy agencies with “judicial functions”.

Siddique Jan has more than 2 million followers on X, his post was reshared more than 3k times and gained 10K likes while reporting.

(Screenshot from X)

The claim gained traction on social media, particularly on X (formerly Twitter), the claim was shared here, here and here gaining upwards of more than 282K views. On Facebook here, here, and here

To verify the claim’s authenticity, we checked mainstream media reports but no such news was reported. Further investigation revealed that the Former Pakistani President Rafiq Tarar died on Monday, March 7, 2022 contrary to the claim made by Siddique Jan on March 27, 2024.

(Screenshot from AP Website)

The viral claim appears to have been shared with the intent to discredit the Chief Justice and cast doubt on the integrity of the full court meeting.


Our fact check confirms that the claim suggesting the Chief Justice’s meeting with Rafiq Tarar before the full court meeting is false. Additionally, Rafiq Tarar passed away 2 years ago which makes the claim entirely fabricated.

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